Hi there,
We’re currently out of coffee, so I’m writing this sans caffeine as I wait for the coffee shop across the street to open in an hour so I can buy a bag of beans… Thank you for your prayers during this difficult time 🙏 (which will most likely be over by the time you read this).
It’s been a smidge quieter around here than I like, but only because I’ve got a writing deadline today. I’m submitting a piece for a publication about the feminine genius, and although it’s been a doozy to put together, I think I like how it finally turned out. I think.
I’ve also been working on an essay (including a list of resources) related to skinimalism, and I hope to share that with you here this next week, fingers crossed. 🤞 Be looking for it!
And finally… I’m spilling some fairly large fagioli in today’s Drink episode, and it could very well affect you and your summer 2022 calendar… Don’t miss it!

5 Quick Things ☕️
1. 👉 New episode of A Drink With a Friend! 👈 Here it is: Seth and I are leading a pilgrimage next summer to Italy, and EVERYONE is invited. Yep — that means you and your friends! Tuscany is steeped in an artful way of life, from the art to the architecture to the food to the farming to the people and the slower pace of life… Pilgrimage with us to Italy next summer to experience the via pulchritudinis. It’s going to be SO FUN!
2. This past week was Bilbo Baggins’ birthday, so we had a low-key Hobbit party in my British lit class yesterday, complete with tea and lembas bread... Here are 11 reasons you should be reading Tolkien.
3. My friend Erin wrote a phenomenal piece this week. Just read it. It’s so good. (And listen for her as she joins Seth and me soon for a chat on the podcast!)
4. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I love both these smart women and I love this topic, so I’m eager to hear their conversation on “why Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison and other great African American figures steeped themselves in the classics.”
5. And finally, I’m a sucker for a good before-and-after, and this farmhouse-style renovation is just up my alley.
Currently Reading, Watching, Listening 🎧
It’s Not Fall, Folks on Spotify
Quotable 💬
“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”
— George Eliot #
I’m a Huge Fan 🙌
Yep, I’m a massive fan of Hallow, one of the few apps I still keep on my phone. I use it daily (no exaggeration), and it’s transformed my meditation and prayer life.
You can download it for free, or you can try the full version free for 30 days (there’s a ton of useful stuff on there!). I’m a paying subscriber with my own cash dollars, but you can use this link to try it for free and to tell them I sent you.
Elsewhere 📍

Question For You to Ponder… 🤔
What small time-waster can I eliminate from my day to make the whole thing just a bit better?
Have a good weekend!
xo, Tsh
p.s. Here’s where you can download details about The Way of Beauty, our Italy pilgrimage. We’d love to have you!