Hey there!
This morning I’m wrapped in a blanket looking at our (unlit, undecorated) Christmas tree in the living room where I am alone because everyone else is blessedly still asleep, the coffee is brewing, the turkey stock just finished its overnight marathon in the Instant Pot, and the dog is snuggled next to me. My recipe finagling yesterday was a success, my son finally got some sleep last night for the first time since his surgery on Monday, and I’ve just lit a divine-smelling candle.
All in all, things are just swell this morning and I’m so very, very, very grateful for it all. If you’re American, how was your Thanksgiving yesterday? If you’re not American, how was your Thursday? Wherever you are, I’m crazy grateful for you, too. Thank you for reading.

5 Quick Things ☕️
1. 👉 We’re back — a new episode of A Drink With a Friend! 👈 Advent begins this weekend! Not ready? No big deal. We talk about approaching this season that starts the liturgical calendar with a lot of grace, simplicity, and anticipation of our holiday traditions.
2. ICYMI, I also released my annual Holiday Gift Guide on Monday! This year’s is simple and non-monopoly focused, and I had a lot of fun putting it together. Consider hopping over if you’re in to shopping today, and when you do you’re supporting several layers of goodness.
3. Apparently there’s a lot of coordinated strikes and protests against Amazon in 20 countries today. Even more solidarity to try and avoid them this holiday season.
4. “I’m embracing tiny gratitude. Not that there is less gratitude but that I’m finding it in tiny bursts for tiny things.” Yes yes yes.
5. And finally, I legit laughed out loud at this. (mild language)
Currently Reading, Watching, Listening 📻
My Advent playlist! Yep, I’ve already got it going.
Quotable 💬
“When in doubt, just say thank you. There is no downside. Are you honestly worried about showing too much gratitude to the people in your life?”
— James Clear #
2 Days… ✨
Advent begins this Sunday, November 28! I know it sounds like a line, but it’s not — it’s not too late to order Shadow & Light. Start Advent whenever you can! Done is better than perfect, and I guarantee you probably won’t “do” every day of any Advent book, including this one. I won’t do every day of my own book. Really and truly — done is better than perfect. Let Advent be the gift that it is, and not a taskmastery to-do list.
Elsewhere 📍
Question For You to Ponder… 🤔
Could you name 50 tiny things you’re thankful for today?
Have a good weekend!
xo, Tsh
p.s. Not anymore.