5 Quick Things #233 🌻
aggressive friendliness, wildflowers, dopamine hits, & instigators of WWI
Why hello there,
I hope you’ve had a good week in your neck of the woods… As for me, I finally transplanted my from-seed tomatoes and peppers into the garden and I feel like a proud Vegetable Mama 👩🌾, I potted my lemon and lime trees that Kyle got me as my Valentine’s Day flowers (because he knows me well) into terra cotta beauties I limewashed over the weekend (first time I’ve done that; we’ll see how it goes 🤞), and I spent a good five minutes in one of my classes yesterday talking with teenagers about the health benefits of digging in dirt. I feel like my work here is done.
In related news, Central Texas wildflowers are in full display right now, and it’s both my favorite time of year around these parts and sends me straight into contemplation about how life is short and/or the cyclical nature of life’s seasons, because they last for about three weeks and then we’re straight into summer. Oh well. They’re delightful while we have them.

5 Quick Things ☕️
1. 👉 New episode of A Drink With a Friend! 👈 There's something life-giving in uttering the phrase, "I guess I haven't learned that yet." We talk with our friend Shauna Niequist about how she's learned to exhale and relearn how her life could be. Through moving to a new city, leaving known familiarity into uncharted territory, and questioning just about everything, Shauna found some much-needed freedom in the sacramentality of a learner's posture.
2. An interesting observation from a PhD student — he finally ditched his smartphone and his brain basically started working again. Cal’s comments are spot-on, as are the actual comments in the post.
3. I’ve long been fascinated by Dunbar’s number, and I also have a delightful aggressively friendly neighborhood pal, so these thoughts have me nodding along in agreement.
4. “By dismantling patriarchy, we have lost some things of value: the protective father, the responsible man, the paternalistic attitude that exhibits care and compassion, rather than simply placing constraints on freedom.” In defense of fathers and why men are essential — in a society steeped in man-hate, I find commentary like this both much-needed and surprisingly counter-cultural among all sides of the conversation.
5. And finally, this is mesmerizing.
Currently Reading, Watching, Listening 🍿
Apollo 10 1/2 (My oldest, Tate, was an extra! She filmed just before the pandemic hit and it feels like 12 lifetimes ago — she’s the oldest girl in glasses and blue pants from about 16:12 to 17:05.)
Quotable 💬
“We need beauty because it makes us ache to be worthy of it.”
— Mary Oliver #
Quick Links 🔗
Hey, Thanks!
A Drink With a Friend is 99.99% listener-supported, and we’re crazy grateful anytime you guys toss a few bucks in the tip jar. If our chats add some truth, goodness, and beauty to your life, we’d love your support. The show is free for you to enjoy but it’s not free for us to make, so even the cost of a cup of coffee helps keep the lights on. We truly appreciate it!
Question(s) For You to Ponder… 🤔
Who could you write a short note of encouragement to this weekend?
Have a great weekend,
p.s. Archduke Metallica.