5 Quick Things #243 🚲
summer cocktails, duck/wabbit season, a serious country, & bicycles for the mind
Hi there,
I’m not sure I’ve ever mentioned this before, but did you know that outside any long-form writing I’m in the midst of, writing this short little weekly email is my favorite work task of the week? I absolutely love sitting here with my coffee, snoring dog next to me and ripening tomatoes in the backyard garden as my view, sifting through my favorite reads, watches, and listens from the week to share them with you. It’s downright therapeutic. Thank you for the excuse to bookend my work week this way.
In other news, this week Kyle and I went to an actual movie theater for the first time since the pandemic (my last film? Greta Gerwig’s Little Women), and it was SO much fun. Go see the latest Top Gun Maverick in the theater if you can! Even if you weren’t a big fan of the original (I mean, sand volleyball in jeans?), it’s worth a watch — the plot is much, much better and the sound + cinematography is 🤯.

5 Quick Things ☕️
1. 🎧 New episode of A Drink With a Friend! 🎧 We’re at the end of our first-of-the-year challenges! Seth updates us on what he's learned being away from social media for six months, what he'll do differently, and what he misses. I chime in about using our phones as instruments instead of devices so that the internet returns to how it works best: as a bicycle for the mind 🚲 (all credit to Steve Jobs there).
2. Our youngest has rediscovered the Looney Tunes classics and it’s been a delight hearing them on in the background (kill the waaaaabbit) — they really are exceptional art and their innocence is refreshing these days. (NYT)
3. I listened to this episode earlier this week and then I came across this essay transcribed from a speech, so this idea has been mulling about in my noodle for several days: What does it mean to be a serious country? Food for thought.
4. If you’ve traveled with me to the U.K. during the summer, you know my affection for their classic Pimm’s Cup. I’m thinking I’ll gather up the ingredients for that + for Aperol Spritz as a way to celebrate Kyle on Father’s Day this weekend (he’s into quirky cocktails).
5. And finally, if you haven’t yet subscribed to Matthew Pierce’s Substack Evangelical Think Pieces, please rectify that situation post-haste. His latest essay, Where Do I Find a Christian Wife?, is *chef’s kiss*.
Currently Reading, Watching, Listening 📻
My Summer 2022 playlist (more to be added throughout the season…)
Quotable 💬
“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explode, and every sunset is different.”
— John Steinbeck #
We’re Grateful! 🧃
We consider A Drink With a Friend a communal effort. You’re invited to snag your own local store’s brand of sparky water, create the concoction of your dreams, and hit play as you join us around the table. We’re glad to have you join us!
And whenever the mood strikes and you pick up the next round of drinks, you help us keep doing this scrappy little thing — and we’re so chuffed when you do. We truly appreciate it!
Quick Links 🔗
Question(s) For You to Ponder… 🤔
What was your favorite summertime activity as a child? Is it still true today?
Have a great weekend,
p.s. Pure chaotic internet goodness at its finest.