Hey there,
Well, here we are — another week of more of the same. Are you getting used to this new normal of ours? How have your spirits been? For me and my household, a rhythm to our routine has been our sanity saver, as have daily walks, family workouts, and our dog (who is living her BEST life right now). We’re still doing nightly read-aloud storytime, we’re still asking each other the best and hardest parts of our days around the dinner table, and they’ve still got afternoon chores to do (after their classes via Zoom). We’re doing our best to find a semblance of ordinary, and I couldn’t be more grateful when we find it.
My neighborhood gym is also doing something cool — we first make a small donation, and for 21 days, we do the daily at-home workouts they’ve provided then log our time into the gym’s app. If we work out for 21 days straight, we then get a gift card for the full amount we donated to one of several local businesses in our neighborhood, helping keep their lights on. I love this example of communities coming together, of mom-and-pop shops supporting each other.
Where are you seeing goodness these days?
5 Quick Things ☕️
1. This week, I did a quick roundup of useful and encouraging links for social distancing well — think working from home, homeschooling, and staying sane.
2. “She grew up in the last generation where your livelihood depended on the skills of homemaking.” What a good reminder.
3. Today on The Good List, I’m sharing a habit we should all take up during this strange time of quarantining. Our descendants will probably thank us.
4. This is hard read, but really important and required, IMO — "The few people walking past us on the sidewalk don’t know that we are visitors from the future."
5. What haunting, surreal, beautiful photos.
Quotable 💬
“Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.”
― Honoré de Balzac
Time Machine ⏰
Five years ago (while we were backpacking around the world), I wrote about the art of noticing your three square feet. Feels apropos right now.
Elsewhere 📌

Have a good weekend — and keep washing those hands,
xo, Tsh
p.s. This made me laugh with delight.