Hey there,
I haven’t been sleeping well, so last night before bed I took a tiny melatonin pill. Well, I think it kicked in later than I planned because it took me forever to fall asleep yet I woke up this morning in a fog of slumbered coherence. I’m now trying to chase away the remnants with caffeine… basically, my brain is confused this morning.
Other than sleep quality (though that’s admittedly huge), things are alright around here, and I’m still grateful. I’m starting to read books again, since my brain seems to have (slowly) reclaimed its ability to concentrate, and I’m loving all the time in the garden. I added garden updates to my Stories on Instagram, and I continue to add quotes from reading to my digital Commonplace Notebook.

A man walks his dog at sunset in Northern Ireland. #
5 Quick Things ☕️
1. A day in the life in the time of coronavirus — this one’s from my assistant and friend, Caroline.
2. Doing this has made our grocery runs an almost enjoyable experience.
3. I’ll admit: all *this* [gestures everywhere] isn’t all bad. In fact, some things are better.
4. I’ve really valued all the talk on Twitter lately about acedia — this was especially helpful.
5. A lovely, melancholy poem about Zoom, of all things.
+ One More Quick Thing… 🌏
I legit can’t think of a more apropos Mother’s Day gift right now than a gift subscription to StoryWorth. For 52 weeks, StoryWorth will email your mom questions that prompt stories — like, What’s one of the riskiest things you’ve ever done? and What’s been some of your life’s greatest surprises?

Then, they’ll compile all her answers (plus any photos she’s uploaded) and publish them into a beautiful keepsake book. This is such a great gift if you can’t be near her this year, and because there’s no shipping involved. Who knows what cool things you’ll learn about your mom you’d otherwise never think to ask?
If you order your gift at storyworth.com/tsh, you’ll get $10 off your first purchase! This is super generous of them — take advantage of it and check getting a Mother’s Day gift off your to-do list. It’s a great company doing a great thing.
Quotable 💬
“But in the end, stories are about one person saying to another: This is the way it feels to me. Can you understand what I’m saying? Does it also feel this way to you?”
― Kazuo Ishiguro
Time Machine ⏰
One year ago, I shared six things I’d tell my graduating self.
Elsewhere 📌

Have a good weekend,
xo, Tsh
p.s. This is hilarious.