Hey there,
Well, we held our school’s end-of-the-year celebration over Zoom last night, and now I’m sipping coffee as the kids are delightfully sleeping in. I’m grateful for technology, but goodness I’m looking forward to fewer online meetings and more books on our (almost done) backyard deck... I miss meeting up with people, though, I’m not gonna lie. Yesterday my daughter commented, “I think I’m learning that even though I’m a big introvert, I still need people more than I realize.” Yes and amen.
Tonight we’re kicking off our summer season with Thai food, ice cream, and game night. We got this one for Easter (we prefer a family game over lots of trinkets in baskets), and it’s hilarious!

Along the waterfront in Izmir, Turkey, where we used to live. #
5 Quick Things ☕️
1. Reflections on journaling for 25 years — I’ve known her most (all?) of this time, and I can attest, she’s one thoughtful, attentive lady. I admire this in her.
2. As a less-than-stellar school year wound down, we needed something positive to bond over. This little slice of magic was just the thing we needed.
3. When a man realizes he needs to read more books from women, a good thing happens.
4. “They are finding that ancient theology can better answer contemporary problems than any of the modern secular world’s solutions.” I’m one of them, too. (NYT)
5. A Wes Anderson guide to surviving a pandemic — the best Tik-Tok I’ve yet seen (granted, I’m 42 years old, so).
Quotable 💬
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Time Machine ⏰
7 years ago, I wrote a brief history of coffee, as well as what all those labels mean.
Elsewhere 📍
Have a good weekend,
xo, Tsh
p.s. This summer I’m hosting a low-key book club with paying Books & Crannies supporters! It’s our second year to do this, so I think this means it’s officially (almost?) a tradition. If you’d like to join a virtual book club with me, I’d love to have you.
When you join B&C, you’re genuinely helping my work continue. As advertising on things like podcasts continues to decline, listener and reader support is more important than ever. You’re a major part of helping independent creators keep doing their thing, and I personally love supporting other artists as well. I’d love to read with you this summer! And thanks, as always, for your kindness.