Hey there,
School started for us this week, and while it went off with very few hitches, oh my goodness Zoom fatigue is real. Yesterday I was on for four hours, and I wanted to crawl into the fetal position when I was done.
However, I did enjoy a lovely birthday on Wednesday, treating myself to an afternoon with a book and coffee at the nearby coffee shop. Now more than ever, I savor those moments when I purposely choose not to work. My soul needed those hours to chill and just be. Highly recommended. 👍👍

Acrobats perform on the rooftop of the Lucerna building in Prague, Czech Republic. #
5 Quick Things ☕️
1. Today on the pod I’m continuing with part two of my series about the fogginess of this fall, particularly regarding the few routines we can control.
2. I also continued my 2020 tradition of saying goodbye to AoS with a letter to myself in 2010 — this time in tandem with my birthday this week!
3. “Learning plant and animal names isn’t just about daily survival or accumulating trivia. This type of commonplace knowledge can have a deeper, transformative effect on us.”
4. A trio of grace-filled poems written this year, in reflection of quarantine.
5. If you need a good laugh and/or cry. “Rest assured that no matter how you respond, it won’t matter whatsoever.” 😂😭
Quotable 💬
“If you wish to become wise, learn from wise people.”
― Peter Redpath
Time Machine ⏰
Five years ago, Emily wrote in praise of her fellow slow processors.
Elsewhere 📍

Have a good weekend,
xo, Tsh
p.s. Just a reminder: order your copy of Shadow & Light now, long before Advent, and you get a contemplative audio series and a lovely liturgical calendar wheel print.