The Sea of Tranquility was just splendid. After I finished it, I walked into the office and told Maile, "Well, I guess I'll be reading anything Emily St. John Mandel writes."

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Yeah, she's one of those authors that *nearly* makes me angry with how good her sentences are. She's quite the talent!

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This was the best reading list I’ve come across this month. There are about five on here I think both my husband and I will appreciate. Thank you for always being authentic and original your thoughts are a breath of fresh air.

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For Hannah Coulter, is the narrator you found a man or a woman? I’m finding a woman narrator. I love audiobooks and would like to enjoy the same version you did. Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing Tsh! As someone who's trying to get back into reading, lists like this from people whose taste I trust are gold. I'm sure you already have a short list but if you need any suggestions for your "books set in the Southern Hemisphere" category for next year I'm happy to suggest some Aussie classics :)

Also - thank you for mentioning the comfort/challenge/panic zone idea. I've never thought of panic being a result of setting unobtainable goals but thinking about it that way makes a whole lot of things that are going on in my life at the moment make more sense. You've given me a lot to think about.

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Thanks for sharing this list! I’ve added a few of these titles to my TBR list. How do you choose and decide what books to read? How do you decide between visual reading and audio reading for them?

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I've been hearing so much about Amor Towles lately! Adding to the queue. I had Sea of Tranquility out from the library and just didn't get to it. I loved Station Eleven, so definitely in 2023! I'm curious about Abolition of Man and also really excited to see your 2023 list. Thanks for sharing!

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A Gentleman in Moscow moved into my all time top 10, and I haven't added to that list in years. It's one of those books that I wish I could read again for the first time. I was swept away on so so many levels.

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