Laughed when I read 'happy' Lent. I have the same sentiments on Twitter when I read of someone's or some family's travail I want to acknowledge and the only thing available is a 'like.' I feel very weird about 'liking' your news that your partner is in the hospital again.

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I’m a pretend gardener and need all the help I can get. Thanks for the link to the landscape plan. The Merton quote was helpful too. 🙌🏼

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"Pretend gardener" — I so get this indentifier.

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Are you adding chicks or adult hens or pullets? Do you have a rooster? How many do you have and how many are you adding?

I've had great luck in a big-ish space with 12-18 adult introducing chicks gradually. I put the 6-10 bigger babies in a big dog crate with small enough openings they can't get in/out in the coop with adults. Then feed side by side so they get used to. Then gradually open a chick sized escape door so the chicks but not adults can get in. And ensure enough stuff in the run and coop that they have places to hide. (A broody to raise helped with all of this but not always an option)

Good luck. Lent is such a perfect time to add chicks. Mine flock of 24 all got killed by a predator Christmas Day so I'm starting from scratch this spring.

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This is helpful - thanks! They are currently three 3-week old chicks (all hens), and we're adding them to our brood of four 2-year-old hens. We'd still like to get three more chicks. Currently the babies are in a dog crate indoors, so your idea is quite doable!

(And yes, I love the metaphor of adding more chicks at the start of Lent, but it's also conveniently a good time seasonally. Coincidence? I think not. 😉)

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The best luck I ever had with introducing newbies into the flock was when I put them into the house at night after the girls were all settled in, along with a watermelon cut in half. They seemed to think the new chicks were watermelon-bearing goddesses and gave them a wide berth and lots of respect.

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Love your talk with Noah- I actually love hearing from homeschool dads. Does he write anywhere? I am curious about his family’s unschooling/classical style, rhythms, his conversion and urban living- I really found him fascinating :)

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