Once again, I'm writing this on a Thursday evening. As you're reading this, I'm probably on the road (or thereabouts) with a neighbor friend of mine — we're taking a quick day trip to Round Top for the very well-known antiques festival. I've only gone a few times and bought even fewer items, but it's still quite a hoot. A town with a population of 90 balloons to thousands of pilgrims searching for old gems that've trekked around the world to find its buyer in a middle-of-nowhere Texas field. Fingers crossed we'll see patchwork quilt meadows of bluebonnets, black-eyed susans, and scarlet painted cups along the way. I love it. Spring in central Texas is just the best.
How are you doing today?

5 Quick Things ☕️
1. “No place feels like home.” 👈 I’ve definitely said this before, which is why this piece resonated so deeply. It’s one reason why I, too, love Hannah Coulter so much (and why I can’t not think of St. Augustine and St. Jack every time I’m reminded of our near-universal human experience of longing for home).
2. I’m not much of a sportsball fan, but I do appreciate baseball more than any other sport — partly because I grew up around baseball die-hards, and also because of these reasons described so poetically.
3. “Will getting chickens ruin my life?” Decidedly no, I say — we’ve had our girls for several years now, and I hope we always have backyard hens. They’re easy to care for, they provide a good learning experience for farm-void children, and there’s something gritty and real about the simple experience of caring for a natural thing and getting a reward in return. And that reward… so good.
4. My dear friend Amber (wife to my co-host Seth) is quite the wordsmith, and she wielded her pen well here in describing what her mother heart felt like when she heard her boys were at the county fair when an active shooter let loose.
5. And finally, some of you idiots aren’t being Christlike.
Currently Reading, Watching, Listening 📺
The Wingfeather Saga TV series (the books are better but it’s still fun!)
Quotable 💬
“For still there are so many things That I have never seen In every wood in every spring There is a different green.”
— J.R.R. Tolkien #
Do You Wear a Smartwatch? ⏱
I was mostly curious about this because I’m a late adopter to the smartwatch game. I hesitated for so long, since I felt like the last thing I needed was another “screen” in my life. But I’ve been able to leave my phone at home more often, which is what I’d love to do as much as possible, and I’m really intrigued by this experiment.
Find this week’s poll here.
Quick Links 🔗
Question(s) For You to Ponder… 🤔
What’s one way you could get out in nature this weekend?
Have a good one,
- Tsh
p.s. Stone into silk.
The antiques festival looks AMAZING! My mother and I used to go antique-ing when I was a kid and I've been pondering starting this tradition with my own daughter. My momma (and last living parent) passed away from cancer on Feb. 27, and in my grief I have had a renewed appreciation for treasured items of generations past.
I'm currently on book 3 of the Wingfeather Saga and just heard about the show. I've basically become an evangelist for how astoundingly good these stories are, but I'm hesitant to see the animated adaptation. 🤔
Thanks for sharing the ETP essay - "because there was nowhere to change the diapers of their robber babies" made me cackle out loud!
I was just talking with a coworker who has chickens about the process of getting them. My daughter and I would love to. Hhmm...