Dancing and humming to the new playlist right now!

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What a lovely surprise to have that essay shared - I am honored! So grateful for the encouragement of your example and generosity in sharing.

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I thought the poll was a great question, but I also realized I wasn't really able to select any of the options. Social media used to be one main way I heard about current events, but I've been off it for at least a year or two. Do you have recommended ways to stay informed? Much of the news doesn't seem worth the time, but then I miss out on some important headlines. Any particular news sources you recommend would be great.

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The sound I would get rid of would be the sound cars with no mufflers or double mufflers make. They actually hurt my ears. But it was a very hard choice between birdsong or crickets. Finally chose crickets. I love the polls.

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I listened to the fiction episode as I walked yesterday. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, and began to think of all the events I remember from those years. The assassination of a president, the assassination of a presidential candidate, the assassination of MLK, and the attempted assassination of George Wallace, racially motivated bombings and lynchings, riots in the streets of Detroit and other cities, release of the secret Pentagon Papers, anti-war protests, the ongoing VietNam war, the killing of college students by government soldiers at Kent State, the Watergate break-in and cover up, resignations of both the vice president and president.

I’m not sure the events of this time are all that different. In the 60’s and 70’s, we had three national networks all telling basically the same stories for a half hour each evening. Now we have many sources of “news,” each telling the stories from their own slant. Essentially, instead of hearing the same story and subsequently forming our own opinions, we hear the story from echo chambers. We hear many more talking heads, each trying to outshout the other. I think that contributes to the feeling that we live in crazy town.

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