One time, when we lived in the city, I got out of our car and one of my earbuds fell out and was promptly run over by a passing vehicle.

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Of course they were! Earbuds are both so helpful and the bain of my modern-day existence.

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Hanging out here for the movie recommendations from other readers!

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I’m team “something else”. I only use earbuds or headphones on airplanes. Otherwise I listen in my car or on a speaker. I don’t watch much (tv, movies or videos) and mostly only listen to podcasts.

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Also team "something else" here! I'm mostly deaf in one ear so I can only put earbuds in when I'm okay with being genuinely dead to the outside world...which is not often with small children. I listen to music and podcasts in the car, and occasionally on a speaker at home, but audio plus the aforementioned small children usually results in overstimulation 😅

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Couldn't agree more about the long walks! It's amazing how much farther you can walk while talking on the phone, too.

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Cheers to long walks! We watched Blitz on Apple. It follows a family in London during the Blitz. It is probably too dark but I will say I watched it 3 weeks ago and I am still thinking about it.

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Sounds intriguing! Unfortunately we don’t have Apple TV but I’m hearing of enough stuff we’d like that we might have to cancel something else and bite the bullet on that.

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I guess I should said Apple +. I can't remember all the names of all the streamers. I highly recommend it. We cycle through streamers throughout the year. There is a wonderful Louis Armstrong and of course Severance. Clearly we are paying for Apple right now. 😁

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I assumed that's what you meant! 😉

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I avoid Notes. I have the app set to open on my Inbox. If I could I'd remove the Notes icon from my installation. For me Notes adds nothing but noise (and anxiety).

Have you watched If? It's especially good if you know nothing about it. Any more I know too much about movies before watching them and it spoils the experience. And I have the animated movie Flow on my list as soon as I find time.

And my other choice for listening is nothing. I'm not an auditory learner. I need to see print or images. Even on planes I put in my EarPlanes to regulate pressure and read or watch out the window.

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I haven’t heard of If but I’ll look into it! Thanks.

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Do you use earbuds on your walks? I prefer speaker phone as my “something else” but that’s obviously not always on option! Trying to get away from my AirPods due to EMF but it’s a convenient option!!

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I do when I’m listening to something or on a phone call. Otherwise, nothing. 😉

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"Solvitur Ambulando!" We just watched a beautiful and poignant film called Flow. It's not action or rom-com, but uhhmazing. Stunning animation. Wrestles with some good questions and themes that we chewed on for days afterward. It was enjoyed by every age in the house.

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Great rec — thanks!

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My something else is that I just use the speaker on the device I'm using (usually my laptop) or a Bluetooth speaker. I'm trying to cultivate silence where I can, so I don't listen to much these days-- maybe a podcast a week or so. And we listen to music together as a family. I just don't like having something in my ears when my kids are around... and they are almost always around :) Maybe someday, I'll get some good headphones again, when the kids are older :)

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Hello! I'm new to the chat (but been reading your work Tsh for many years).

If you've read and enjoy Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd (one of my favorite 19th century novels!) I'd recommend the 2015 movie by the same name, it surprised my daughters and I, we thought it was well done.

This one - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2935476/

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Nice to hear! ...And hello, Karissa!

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We rented The Bookshop from Prime and loved it. The movie is based on the novel by Penelope Fitzgerald. Beautiful scenery of the English countryside.

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Ooh, sounds up my alley!

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Just watched the trailer for The Bookshop. Now I know how I'm spending this Friday evening! Thanks for the recommendation.

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Movie recommendations: 1. I Know Where I'm Going (typical rom-com but filmed in the 40s so it feels fresh and is so charming. 2. Andrei Rublev 3. Enchanted April

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I do love Enchanted April but haven't seen the other two. Thanks!

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Headphones and Rear Window! If your family hasn't already plowed through multiple Hitchcock films, go for it! Many are plot-heavy without being too dark, though plenty are dark as well. Our homeschoolers have liked or loved every one they've seen. (Note that we didn't start watching until they were mid-to-late teens.) Though creepy, Shadow of a Doubt and Strangers on a Train are favorites, as is Vertigo. (Pay attention to his use of color in the last one.) Don't watch Psycho or Birds until you become die hard fans first. There are several more good ones to watch before those.

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Oh yes, we've done Rear Window as a family and completely agree! Funnily enough, I showed one of my classes Rope this past week... so good.

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I highly recommend the movie, One LIfe. It stars Anthony Hopkins as an older gentleman who looks back on his life during WWII when he rescues over 600 children from Czechoslovakia. For some reason, movies and shows rarely make me cry (except Finding Dory!) but this one moved me to tears. It's beautiful and inspiring!

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Ooh, thanks! Sounds interesting.

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We watched the movie Free Guy recently and it was exciting and fun!

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That is a fun one!

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I came upon a documentary last night on Amazon called “The Book Sellers”, about used and rare bookshop owners and dealers in NYC- my goal was to find something free because I was so tired I wasn’t sure I’d finish anything, but I really enjoyed this insight into people who love books for a variety of reasons.

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