This is my childhood. My dad responded to everything with " it'll build character"! HAHA

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Nice! Was he a C&H fan too?

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That song slayed me. 🤣🤣🤣 "I'm a rich blonde female..." SO many good one-liners!!

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Wasn't that THE BEST? Oh my gosh, every line of that song is gold.

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THAT song😂🤣thank you for that! I’m having a good laugh at the end of the week😁now, for some reason I want to go play my guitar and sing “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Have a great weekend Tsh!

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I love commonplace notebooks! Largely because of A Series of Unfortunate Events - VFD was exactly the type of mysterious, noble, literary organization I wanted to be part of. Commonplace notebooks were so exciting!

My favorite quote from yours was: "Don’t ask ‘What do I want from life?’ Ask a different set of questions: 'What does life want from me? What are my circumstances calling me to do?’" Really valuable to me as my current job is ending in August, and then I'll have to decide where I'll go and what I'll do. I'm leaning toward picking a town with family and settling in for the long haul, Wendell Berry style. I really want to commit to a community, land and people.

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