5 Quick Things #351 🌤️
muscle building, nest building, reflecting on questions, & news breaks
Hey there,
For a variety of reasons I won’t get into here, this week has been a real journey of prayer, for which I'm grateful to God because I was genuinely not expecting it. Nonetheless, it’s been a really good experience. It also reminds me of how there have been different seasons in my life for which this most sacred, essential slot of time in my day has looked different depending on said season... For many years, it looked like five quick minutes of quiet time coupled with frequent moments of short prayers throughout the day interrupted by the needs and cries of small children. I’d wager a guess this is the case for many of you reading this right now.
Right now, here’s what my morning looks like (in case you're curious — I’m always curious about the practical goings-on of certain people when it comes to things like this): I naturally wake up around 4:30 to 5:00 in the morning — NOT because I’m trying to (I have my theories as to why this is happening, but I won’t get into it now). I either lie in bed for a few more minutes or I start making coffee, but during either of these activities, I listen to my morning routine on Hallow (you can create a customized routine). Right now, mine is listening to a series on different types of prayer, then an unpacking of Mere Christianity with Fr. Gregory Pine, then Fr. Mike’s Catechism in a Year. Sometimes I have to stop and start this routine again later in the day.
I then sit in my beloved green chair with a cup of coffee and read my Bible. I aim to read something from the Old and New Testaments; right now it’s Sirach and 1 John. I then pray for good while... The particulars would probably take a separate essay if I were to get into it, but let’s just say that right now I’m really getting a lot out of a form called ‘imaginative prayer’ as well as Lectio Divina and the simple but ancient prayer, “Come, Holy Spirit.” I go through my intentions and Jesus and I have a good chat.
I then spend time reading whatever spiritual non-fiction book is currently at the top of my stack — right now it’s Introduction to the Spiritual Life, by Brant Pitre, which I've already talked about and continues to blow my mind. I’ve got two chapters left. Finally, I set my agenda for the day and either start working — writing, first thing, otherwise it’s much harder for me to get it in later in the day — or chatting with Kyle, who is now in the chair next to me.
So... that's my morning. Simple but effective. I’m profoundly grateful for it, and I can’t imagine functioning through my day without it. I know that we’re all in different stages of life so I can’t pretend that mine isn’t more flexible and open than others (it likely also helps that we homeschool, so I’m not rushing out the door except on teaching days). But I hope this encourages you to prioritize a good morning habit practice in some way, even if it’s for five minutes. Doing so has been a game changer for me.

5 Quick Things ☕️
1. New episode of A Drink With a Friend! My good friend Sarah Mackenzie and I work through a few topics from my annual new year reflection questions… It was a really good conversation.
2. Earlier this week I started a series for Commonplace subscribers and I’ve now made my first essay free for all to read… Though it’s not really an essay, it’s more of a letter. A letter to my daughter studying abroad in Austria, actually. You’ll see what I mean. Just go read it.
3. Speaking of — being in college, that wild and wonderful (and far too short-lived) stage of being in-between adolescence and full-on, real-life legit on-your-own adulthood is indeed wild and wonderful — yet also hard, character-building, and flat-out (literal and metaphorical) muscle-building. If you’re in that stage like my daughter is… Grace and peace to you as well.
4. You most likely know this already because you, too, are human, but it’s still a good reminder for us all that we need take regular news vacations. I hardly kept up with the news at all during the holiday season, and I haven’t really felt the need to pick it back up (except for the clearly-good-to-keep-up-with events, such as the devastating fires in California). Perhaps if you’re feeling a bit squirrelly these days, a brief news break might be the thing you need. Good thoughts from
.5. And finally… I really enjoyed this ordinary but beautifully-told observation from
Currently Reading, Watching, Listening 📺
The new season 5 of All Creatures Great and Small!
Quotable 💬
“January is the quietest month in the garden. But just because it looks quiet doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.”
― Rosalie Muller Wright
What's your favorite fictional book genre? 📚
For me, it’s a toss-up between historical and magical realism, with mystery a close third. When they’re all three together? Even better. …Though earlier this week in book club a woman passed out her annual literary bingo cards, and one of the boxes read “a genre I normally sneer at,” so maybe this means I need to read a romance this year. More of you like romance than I’d have guessed.
Historical: 37%
Literary/Realist: 20.6%
Mystery: 17%
Fantasy: 10%
Romance: 7%
Magical Realism: 4.3%
Thriller: 2.6%
Sci-Fi: 1.4%
Find next week’s poll here.
Quick Links 🔗
Question(s) For You to Ponder… 🤔
Even if you’re personally feeling blue, overwhelmed, or discouraged, who in your life could you reach out to and encourage today?
Have a great weekend,
- Tsh
p.s. - A bird building her nest.
I liked hearing about your regular schedule, all the different things you do (writing, homeschooling, teaching, gardening, podcasting, etc), because I feel like such a slacker when I hear all you accomplish. You did not intend this, but you have unofficially become my spiritual director. I decided that after reading today's newsletter. I signed up to write my own rule. I love Fr. Mike. Thank you for sharing the recommendations and links. I can mention: Tsh, and my husband knows I mean YOU. Kinda well-known at my house. And, I was sick throughout the whole Christmas tide holiday so our tree is still up. );
All Creatures Great & Small forever and ever amen.