Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece -- I assume written by your daughter. It made me think back to the semester I spent studying abroad in Regensbsurg, Germany and how much that experience shaped me. I met my husband there (another American student in my program taking classes at the University of Regensburg) -- I even shopped at a Spar market and ate in the Mensa. I also needed the reminder to "get out of my head and into my life". I hope there will me more to come.

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Yep, it’s Tate (note the author above)! If you click on the link, you’ll read a short explanation of what we’re doing this spring. 😊

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Tsh- how beautiful! Like mother like daughter… her writing is wonderful and her heart for Jesus more so. ❤️

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I’m genuinely delighted by these exchanges between yourself and your daughter. First off her perspective is so refreshing and was a wonderful reminder to look for God in all places and all people. Secondly, as a mother this helps to ease the ache of seeing my children grow and change. Currently they are all so young (12,10,8,6,4,1), but in my oldest I am beginning to understand the ache I’ve seen in so many other parents as their children grow up and spread their wings into adulthood. I have so much faith that it will simply be a continuation of loving and supporting them. But at times as my oldest talks of having her own family someday I feel a burning in my nose and eyes as I fight tears. Not because I don’t want those things for her, but because I can see that one day these loud overwhelming days will transition into the quiet and space I’m constantly craving. May God grant me the grace and peace to be fully present and grateful now and full of hope and appreciation for the future conversations I will get with my children as they leave my cozy nest.

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Wow! This is everything you could have hoped for Tate (that is her name correct?) could experience in her semester abroad and more importantly, her faith. I loved reading this and shared it with my granddaughter who spent a semester abroad in Denmark. She graduated and is currently figuring out her next steps. Shout out to Tate: you inspired ME to do better about living in my reality and not in my worries.

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Tate needs her own substack. She clearly inherited the writing gene.

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Bless your heart,Tsh. Thank you for sharing this treasure.

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This exchange, between you and Tate, this is my heart's prayer for my four kids. (All four are not following the faith that we brought them up in.) To be able to share our faith and what God is doing in our lives, there's nothing better.

She sounds so grown up!

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Hi Tsh, I'm enjoying these letters from you and your daughter so much. I was wondering could Tate recommend some books to read from his favorites to us your readers? Thank you for sharing the letters!

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