Your family is unique in the best possible way. I remember your Turkey adventure when you met Kyle and had Tate. I read about your decision to move back to USA and then later traveled with 3 kids with backpacks around the world! Homeschooling them on the road. Talk about creating a foundation! And now reading Dear Mom updates from grownup Tate. Thank you for sharing this family stuff, Tsh. I wish I had good enough health to go on the river cruise with you. I count on your Substack sharings to tell me all about it. Blessings

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"These moments are scripted by God, the absolute best (and really, only) storyteller, written just-so in order to tell the bigger story called Your Life. Which, of course, is but a paragraph in the much, much bigger story called God’s Love for All People" . . . Wow, those sentences resonate so strongly, not just for their echoes of such great writers as GK Chesterton and the Inklings (and others, but they're who came to mind immediately), but simply because they're so profoundly true! I pray that my daughter who's just a bit younger will see how to live into life in such a way also. Thank you both for sharing your gift of writing with us!

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Thanks for your kind words, Brett!

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Loving this series, Tsh and Tate! Especially the callbacks to stories we read in "At Home in the World", or once upon an old blog or social feed, that y'all actually LIVED and are the foundation of the stories you live and write now. I love how long I've gotten to travel with your family. So cool! Keep going.

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