The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
What Were Our First (Paper) Loves?

What Were Our First (Paper) Loves?


You always remember your first. ...Get your mind out of the gutter, we're talking about first BOOK loves — you know, the stories that captured us and wouldn't let us go. In this episode, Seth and Tsh talk about the books that first drew them to the magic of good storytelling and word-weaving — beyond childish trinket stories, these were the books that first taught them the sacramental beauty of telling a story well. What about you? What were your first story loves? They go beyond books — these stories tell us more about ourselves as co-creators, made by God to bring beauty into the world.

The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Casual conversations about a life that values truth, goodness, and beauty above all else. Tsh Oxenreider, a writer, teacher, travel guide, and Catholic convert, talks with various friends about what it means to live in alignment with what matters most. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a glass.
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Appears in episode
Tsh Oxenreider
Seth Haines