The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Dunbar’s Number

Dunbar’s Number

After a short summer break, Seth and Tsh are back! To kick off another season, they talk about many vs few: why does it matter how many people we follow online, friends we stay connected with, names we know, or celebrities we keep up with? Turns out there’s some anthropological science to the overwhelm we feel when we keep track of thousands of people online yet don’t know our neighbor’s name across the street. Perhaps this isn’t how we’re designed to live?

The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Casual conversations about a life that values truth, goodness, and beauty above all else. Tsh Oxenreider, a writer, teacher, travel guide, and Catholic convert, talks with various friends about what it means to live in alignment with what matters most. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a glass.
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Tsh Oxenreider