The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Bonus: Why Go on a Pilgrimage?

Bonus: Why Go on a Pilgrimage?

Isn’t it weird to travel with people you’ve never met? Tsh thought so, too, until she started leading pilgrimages. Now it’s one of her favorite things she does. She chats with her friend Bond Strong, who went on Tsh’s 2022 pilgrimage to Italy. They talk about why travel makes them love their home even more, how their love for travel only grew once they became parents, what they loved most about their time in Italy, and why you — yes, YOU — should go on Tsh’s 2023 pilgrimage to Ireland. There’s still time, but there are only a few spots left!

The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Casual conversations about a life that values truth, goodness, and beauty above all else. Tsh Oxenreider, a writer, teacher, travel guide, and Catholic convert, talks with various friends about what it means to live in alignment with what matters most. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a glass.
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Tsh Oxenreider