The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Good Stuff to Read, Watch, & Listen To

Good Stuff to Read, Watch, & Listen To

Ep. 156

‘Tis the season to have more options than possible to read, watch, and listen to. Authors Seth Haines and Tsh Oxenreider share what they're currently imbibing in this department, along with what's in their queue for the holidays.

The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Casual conversations about a life that values truth, goodness, and beauty above all else. Tsh Oxenreider, a writer, teacher, travel guide, and Catholic convert, talks with various friends about what it means to live in alignment with what matters most. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a glass.
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Appears in episode
Tsh Oxenreider
Seth Haines