The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend


It's been a doozy of a week, so Tsh and Seth weren't able to chat — instead, they're re-sharing with you a chat from spring 2021. Perhaps you haven't yet heard it, or perhaps you're due for a re-listen. ...Either way, enjoy!

Walking is good for us, but it takes a while — it’s not the most efficient mode of transportation. But it’s not about efficiency; that’s not the point. What about the other stuff in our life that can benefit from slowness? Seth and Tsh talk about being slow to reply, slow to respond, and slow to assume, and how we all need to do more of it.

The Commonplace
A Drink With a Friend
Casual conversations about a life that values truth, goodness, and beauty above all else. Tsh Oxenreider, a writer, teacher, travel guide, and Catholic convert, talks with various friends about what it means to live in alignment with what matters most. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a glass.
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Tsh Oxenreider